That's it! 29 days have come and gone. This time was by far the easiest LOAD yet. I believe that the reason Lain E. created this challenge has really sunk in for me...yes, you can let go of the pressure that it has to be perfect and all matchy-matchy. You can create a layout a day and do it quickly; most were created start to finish in less than an hour. I was happy with most of the layouts I created....but this one, well, the letters will have to go! Not sure what I will replace them with...definately something. The colors and the photos are just too perfect to be paired with those letter stickers. So, I will need to complete another LOAD in the near seems that I'm not quite cured yet...perfectionism wins tonight.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Joy of Love album is filling up! This is page 16: Together. This photo was taken at Jon's 20th Class Reunion!
I realized tonight that my last three layouts have been on backgrounds of different colors. I've branched out...not my usual kraft, black, red or white. Look at me go!
One more day of LOAD for February 2012. So sad that it is over...but never fear, we are scrappin' this weekend! Yay us!
Monday, February 27, 2012
If I had created yesterday's layout and this one together I'm not sure this would have been the end result. I don't really think they flow together well but in the end it's done! I was shocked that I found this photo and above that, it was printed! Wow!
Maybe tomorrow I will create a page about her 12th birthday. I seem to be on a roll! Not so long ago (October, I think) I created her 10th birthday pages. She's 16 let's see, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, oh my!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
For several years I have planned to create this layout for which there are no photos of the birthday girl! The reason there are no photos of the birthday girl is because her dad took her and two friends to Kearney to shop for her birthday....but it was three weeks after her actual day that they were finally able to coordinate it! Then for a looooong time, I could not locate the envelope of receipts and needed to remember to take a camera to "fake" the mall photos later. Finally this half is done, other half will be the actual day with photos of the birthday girl! This was her 11th birthday....5 years ago this month! BAD, bad mom!!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
The prompt was Fashion Plate today and I was planning a page for my Joy of Love album. It was fit nicely in the "What They Wear" page protector. I hope to add a page beside it with more tags and labels from their purchases! I need to collect a few to do this!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
I took this photo with my new 50mm lens (a Christmas gift). Wow! Do I LOVE it!
It seems like a tradition now to create at least one page for the Christmas ornament albums during LOAD. I think that's because they are quick pages requiring little journaling and few embellishments. Not room for much on a 5.5" x 7.5" layout.
T's 2011 over!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Today's prompt was about Songs of Days Gone By. These days have definately gone by...her first MP3 player (2008) a total dinosaur! She wore a couple of them out before graduating to an iPod last spring (2011). I miss the teeny-bopper Disney music happy-go-lucky lyrics! Not so crazy about the stuff they choose to listen to these days!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Finally done! Years in the making literally. I picked up the rest of the photos today @ Walgreen's.
I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 this evening...let the re-learning begin. I had been using PSE 4.0 for several years and knew my way around fairly well but I tried the PSE 9.0 trial this past fall and love it ... so here I am embracing #10!!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Here I go again...thinking I need to keep on working on school pages for C's album. She turned 16 yesterday, over half way through her sophomore year. I ordered a blue and a butter colored 12x12 We R Memory Keepers albums today. I thought I'd see if I like them and if so, use them for her middle and high school albums for our school colors.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Inspired to keep working on pages for the Joy of Love album....I've got a long way to go but these little 8x8 pages with only one photo are really quick! I need to find the original creator of this layout...I scraplifted it from
A thank you to her will follow tomorrow.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 9. Home Sweet Home.
Today's prompt and the Joy of Love album prompt for page 24 "Where" were the perfect combination for today's page. I am thinking of an entire album about this home...a digital one from Shutterfly. I need to get that started before the next home gets started!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Yish!! Not a great photo so late at night! Even though the style of this layout (paper piecing) is very dated I still like it. The title went so well with the story I wanted to tell and the precious few photos I have of the girls in this program. The photos only seven of them were all dark and distant.
This week of scrappin' has got to get's a late one again tonight. Probably shouldn't have taken that nap!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Went for easy again tonight as it was a busy one! Tomorrow and Thursday are as well so I'm planning ahead and have already found photos. This is another page for my 8x8 album called the Joy of Love...this one is for the prompt, "the things you love to hate". This is C. There is no changing it. In a weird sort of way I love this about her, but I hate the cluttery mess!
Monday, February 6, 2012
I couldn't get organized enough to get the other photos printed to finish Tanner's Super Bowl layout so I went for something I already had printed. I am slowly working on pages for an album called The Joy of Love. The prompt that inspired this page was "going out". This was the first time Jon and I had gone to a costume party since college. We had a great time!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Not my best work. I'm hopeful that the right half of the page will pull in all together and I will like it better. I need to print more photos tho because T. used them on his own collage today for a Cub Scout project! I will post a picture of his project tomorrow.
Yesterday was a productive day.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I went to the paint store today to start to think about colors for rooms in our new home. I want J. to start building the cabinets on the left for me before we even start building the house. I want this because I suspect once the "shed" and house are underway, this project will be last...sadly, not a priority for anyone but me.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Super simple again. Contemplating a left page with a few more skate & maybe even magic photos. T. asked me to take photos of him doing his favorite things the other day for a collage he is making for Cub Scouts. Thank for the inspiration Lain and T!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 2 of 29 down. The prompt was so helpful and super easy! Thanks Lain!
I have to confess that I spent way too much time hunting for the "perfect" piece of floral paper with just the right amount of red. The first one was too red, the second one not red enough and the third one...lost! It took me a long time to find this piece but I did!
Another tip...
I have been using these 6x12 page protectors by American Crafts. It's true they do not match the Pebbles in My Pocket protectors that I use, or the We R Memory Keeper ones or the Close to My Heart matte finish 12x12 ones (love these) but who cares! The important thing is to get it all together!
This 6x12 page protector is filled with 6 additional "outtake" photos!
It is inserted in between the two 12x12 pages below. It works fabulously!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I loved the prompt today at LOAD but just didn't have the photos for what I was inspired to do. So, I'll be taking the photos tomorrow and creating a layout to match!
Anyway, I struggled this evening...on Day 1 because my crazy scanner is acting up already! Usually it waits til at least half way through LOAD. No time to diagnose, I just took a photo, editted it in PSE and uploaded...tada!!
I think I'm in love...
Anyway, the purpose of this post is to tell you about my new found love. As I am gathering and scrapping these school memories, I have found that I love using the We R Memory Keepers page protectors for a couple of reasons.
1. It's fast.
2. It's a great way to display lots of photos (dare I say, of the ones I really don't want to scrap but think should be included)
3. It's so flexible. If I find something I want to add later I can.
The big finale' will be trying to figure out what fits into the backside of these protectors. Most of the events I have worked to organize using what I can "bookends". So there is a 12x12 layout on the left and We R Memory Keepers page on the right...turn the page...the same We R Memory Keepers page now becomes the left page and on the right side is another 12x12 layout. So far so good!